Just like you, we are common people focused on keeping their body healthy and committed to preserve our beautiful planet.

Along the years we have developed a deep passion for fermentation, a technique that we apply daily in our food, drinks and also in our garden.

This Is Me

So much so that we always have something fermenting somewhere around house.

And if you too are a fermenter we are sure you can relate!!!

We have learnt so much and are still learning every single day from our successes but even more from our failures and mistakes.

This website is an open journal for anyone who desires to improve their lives with food and give back to Nature by teaming up with Her.

It is also for all of you who are just venturing out in the world of fermentation and feel somehow intimidated by it.

Don’t be. It is easy, fun and, most of all, rewarding.

To the beautiful journey ahead of you.

See you soon.